10 Symptoms of Celiac Disease & Gluten Intolerance

PLUS Discover the 7 "Silent" Symptoms Most Doctors Miss...


In this article:

1. Common Symptoms for Adults

2. Common Symptoms in Children

3. The 'Silent' Symptoms

Written by: James Shirley

Author, Blogger, & Gluten-Free Expert

Email: [email protected]

Do You Have Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance? Read On to Find Out...

Many possible symptoms exist for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. And to make matters more complicated, each person has their own unique set of symptoms.

Should you be tested for celiac disease? If you, your children or anyone in your extended family have symptoms like those outlined below then it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about getting tested.

It is important to have an official celiac diagnosis before going on a gluten-free diet. Once you switch to eating gluten-free, it becomes difficult for doctors to use the standard tests to make a viable diagnosis.

Standardized tests detect how the body reacts to gluten both in blood work and how villi in the small intestine look. The moment you start eating gluten-free the body’s healing process begins, which makes getting an accurate diagnosis more difficult.

Classical symptoms differ between adults and children. With that in mind, I have broken out the symptoms by each of those groupings. (Please keep in mind I‘m not a physician. The lists below are an aggregation of information from books, the Internet, and personal experience.)

10 Common Symptoms for Adults
  • Chronic Diarrhea. Do you have a list of foods you just can't eat because they give you diarrhea? It may be gluten (not those foods!) that is causing the problem
  • Frequently bloated / gasey. Feel like you're going to explode a while after you eat? It could be gluten causing the issue.
  • Abdominal pain after eating. Do you feel ill for a while after you eat some meals?
  • Brain Fog. Like with fatigue, your body's particular reaction to gluten may not be belly related - it could be causing other symptoms
  • Persistent skin rashes that come and go but doctors can't explain why
  • Fatigue, especially after meals but you feel like you have no energy to do anything
  • Depression
  • You or your child get sick an hour or two after a meal then fall asleep
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
Common Symptoms for Children

Although this isn’t a complete list, these are the most common symptoms Infants and children with sensitivity to gluten tend to have digestive symptoms. If they are not getting the nutrition they need, it becomes obvious very quickly.

It is still difficult to get doctors to order the tests for celiac disease...but this is slowly changing. If your doctor dismisses your concerns about gluten or is not knowledgeable about the disease, find one who is. If you see these symptoms in your child, be persistent and get the tests done! The sooner you know what is going on, the healthier your child will be.

  • Failure to thrive - which basically means the child is not growing in height and weight at a normal rate
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Vomiting after meals
  • Large, distended belly
  • Decreased appetite
7 'Silent' Symptoms You Need to Know About

​Besides the typical symptoms presented here, there are 7 'silent' symptoms that you need to be aware of too. These symptoms are called 'Silent' because it is obvious that the foods you eat are the actual cause.

Most people, including doctors and professionals, fail to recognize that diet is what causes these common ailments to happen in the first place. ​

Anyway, I've taken the common symptoms information on this page and put it together with a list of these 'silent symptoms' and turned it into a printable report.

Get the 7 Silent Symptoms PLUS the 10 Common Symptoms of Celiac and Gluten Intolerance Printable Report...FREE!

I highly recommend getting this report (it's FREE), printing it, and reading it. Then take a day or two to think about the symptoms listed and compare those to your situation - what are you feeling? What is your body telling you? ​

Click the button below to get the report now...

To your health,

James Shirley

P.S. Take action so you can start feeling better now - click the button above to find out if one of the silent symptoms is holding you back from feeling your best.

Happy Gluten Free